Rent Astir

Cars for rent in Tirana

Starting from 20 Euros per day



We offer you the opportunity to rent the right car for your travels. We are a company specializing in car rental, with a large fleet of over 50 cars available.

We provide the latest and well maintained cars to ensure you have a safe and comfortable experience on the road. In addition, we offer reasonable rates and flexible rental terms to suit your needs and budget.

The First Choice for Car Rental

RENT ASTIR is a trusted name when it comes to car rental services in Albania. We have earned a good reputation for ourselves by providing an exceptional car rental experience to our valued customers.

ÇFARË NA DALLON NGA KONKURRENTËT? Flota jonë e makinave përfshin një varietet të gjerë modeleve të fundit, të mirëmbajtura me kujdes. Pavarësisht nëse keni nevojë për një makinë për udhëtime të shkurtra, pushime familjare, ose një ngjarje speciale, ne kemi zgjidhjen e duhur për ju. Gjithashtu, ofrojmë tarifa të konkurueshme dhe kushte fleksibile të qirasë për të plotësuar nevojat tuaja.


You can contact us if you have any questions, RENT ASTIR offers fast and reliable service.

Contact us for more information and to book your next car:

Our Fleet of Cars

CIty Car







We offer car rental services to meet your travel needs safely and comfortably.

Fleet of Cars

We have a large and modern fleet of cars, including various models that meet every preference and requirement.

Excellent customer service

Our dedicated and professional team is always available to provide assistance.

Fast Service

In addition to car reservations, our staff is always available to help and inform throughout the car pick-up process.

RENT ASTIR - Always Ready to Help

You can contact us anytime for your car rental needs. RENT ASTIR offers you a personalized and fast service in every aspect from obtaining information to reserving your favorite car.

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